Monday, May 11, 2009


Will the despair ever end? I have been surviving PHP (with flying colors) but my incentive for ending it giving it all I have now faces a "not again". My next course is Intro. to Databases... And so, the torture goes on. I will try to be positive, thinking that this will recap what I learned more than 10 years ago when I completed my bachelor's degree. It's just another thing I hate but that I must do. I'll get over this in August when I get my diploma... All this whining has a purpose.

Updated some links in my resume site. Anyway, I have to create a new one as Geocities is going down soon. That's something... I have been using geocities for so long, and it is incredible it will all go kaput. Well... Cleaning up and copying files have been a trip through memory lane... Old sites, old pictures, old stories... So many things are making me feel old lately!

Anyway... The project for the next two days is updating the resume site as I am also actively seeking a job. And this needs to be perfect so honey entice bees. Let's see what happens.

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