Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Plans and screams, and a few good things

Plans come and plans go, everything seems like liquid silver taking diverse shapes at diverse temperatures... Before it was all straight-arrow schedules, now it all has been changed into a shapeless mesh that bends to the will of the new boss in the house. The baby's arrival has been very disrupting, as she is very loud, very demanding, very colicky, very energetic, very fill-in-the-blank. She is outrageous. And she is making sure that mommy gets no sleep, daddy gets no sleep, and sister is very annoyed. Oh, well... On with the show!

So... June, July and August were basically all about the new baby, Kalisto, and keeping on top of Deedee's appointments and therapies. Deedee turned 3 years old on August, and we definitively celebrated this miracle (she has beat the SMA odds going beyond 2 years of age). These three months left me no time at all for keeping on with studying or to try persuing any kind of job. I got two calls from Disney for an IT Internship, but I could not go for it because of the c-session and everything unexpected about having a newborn. You see, when Deedee was born she was actually well behaved and mild tempered after the first two months... Kalisto in the other hand behaves like... an emissary of chaos and mayhem. The c-session brought a bad reaction from the epidural, so now my right leg is weaker (I could not move it at all for the first two weeks, and it gave me trouble afterwards). The nerves from legs and right arm are all busted... The doctor basically got to the conclusion I have arthritis that should have appeared 15 years from now... So the pregnancy accelerated that, plus affected me in many other ways I'll discover through the months ahead...

In September I planned to start studying again, but Kali has made sure that it was not possible. Her being a colicky baby brings on endless nights of wailing, so by the time she decided to sleep is after daddy arrives from work (he works the night shift)... I don't get to sleep more than 3-4 hours during the night, and mornings or afternoons all depend on Deedee having medical appointments or therapists coming over or nurses showing up... By now I see that getting a job will be an ideal maybe after I finish studying, maybe after that plan is completed and we have moved from here, and maybe if we get some help somehow... Until then... a job is out of the question, and studying is a trial and error test in itself...

October arrived, and I got a Hispanic Scholarship Award for the next two semesters. Following the master plan that should be perfect coverage if I get to finish by September 2011 (my main goal). I have to keep $3000 aside in case I must go for a final semester if I don't finish by then, as my student loans will get maxed out. So... By now I'm trying to get back in track for the by now never-ending course of basic technician... I need to review, test and kill the first book by this weekend, and do the same by the end of October with the second book. Third book shall be covered in the first week of November, and the review book should be for the second week of November. I expect to get the certification test before Thanksgiving, if God allows.

This plan is laid out, hopefully for success. I need to complete this by the end of November, so I can do the second course and get the big test before the end of December. I hope to get the Webdesign course done and tested by the end of January (should be a breeze as I already know the material). I want to be able to add one more class for February... maybe the third part of IT Fundamentals or a course like Technical Writing. I must do this so we have a better chance of success in Florida when we move... So that keeps on being the biggest incentive... Me going back to being the "powerhouse" of the family. It is the best way to achieve all our dreams: Nice little house, good services for Deedee, good school for Deedee and for Kali, actually being able to have a car to take Deedee places and money to pay for the places, and to help Auntie be with us... Crossing fingers and trusting God will allow this to happen.

So... This is all that has been going on. Next destination: Kali's baptism (next week), Halloween, my test, Sesame Place, Thanksgiving, second test and Christmas. Hopefully we will get to do this all, strengthening family and our own vows. All with God's blessing.


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