Thursday, April 12, 2012

Almost a year in review

Just checking up my blogs I noticed that my actual blog about me has not been updated since almost a year! Why could this happen? Well, it is not for lack of passion or for lack of things to blog about... Blame it all on time constraints and the extra factors of having a special needs child, a rambuntious toddler, a crazy hobby, and a thousand and one adventures/projects/research/trials/explorations.

These are the main things from what has been going on:
  • My big girl went to camp from July to August 2011. Translation: For 6 weeks her nurse and me made sure that she was part of an amazing art/history experience doing lots of stuff that she didn't even dream possible. We witnessed the first time another kid her age hold her hand. We witnessed tantrums because she wanted to sleep with the other kids and she couldn't because of her own safety. We witnessed her first taste of being on stage (and loving it). It was a very intense thing as she had classes in the morning then we had to go to the museum and be there for 3 hours... but totally worth it
  • I took a term break from WGU in October. I am not in for setting myself to failure, and time became a precious rare thing. My big girl needs plenty of time, as I need to configure and keep up her communication screens, make sure she can use the adaptive technology available for her, and take time to read to her and find new themes and things to expand her interests. Add to that the nurses taking time off without letting us know, and the agencies not filling the slots which means days without the service and chaos for us. Add taking care of the little girl and her overpowering self... I had to decide what was more important and right now my presence and attention for both of them is much needed. So, I expected to return to keep on with the IT degree on January... 
  • My big girl spent a week at the hospital for New Years Eve. Stress levels go high under those circunstances, and so the beginning of the year was quite hectic... Upon returning from the hospital she kept on being sick for two more weeks. This translate to us doing treatments every 4 hours... no rest for the wicked! January and Febrary were really bad months.
  • March came in with a positive bang. Many hours spent on research, honing letters of medical necessity, trying to get trial for power wheelchair, trying to get trial for therapy devices and for specific therapies... IEP dissagreement and meetings... Medical appointments... On the positive side, my big girl was approved a right for Make A Wish! And she also won an iPad! She trialed a Permobile wheelchair, and will soon trial a new stander too.
  • April has been hectic, but things are falling into place. Coordinating services, following up on all things from my big girl's services and needs... And I had an epiphany and finally discovered what I want to do for the rest of my career life... I guess I'll surprise everyone who doesn't know me from grammar school saying I want to become a school library media specialist. Go ahead, do the group "What!" together. 
Well... let's go back to my wonder years... Back then, everything in my life was about three things: studying, being in the chapel, and being at the library. I was a library helper/volunteer. You would never find me anywhere but hiding behind lots and lots of books... religious and of fiction. I loved Joane of Arc, as well as greek mythology and reading about the temple of Set. I knew where everything was, and I helped mend books as well. I decorated, I recommended... Being a bookworm takes a whole new meaning. This did not change in high school, or college. I love books, to this day studying is my hobby. I respect books, physical or digital. And I find that libraries are the perfect gates to alternate worlds.

I stumbled into options and found that being a media specialist I would put to use my computer skills, my help desk skills, and my creative skills. And I had an enligtment: I will also have fun doing it. I find this exciting and rewarding. I would not feel like I was doing a chore. I would not feel obliged but quite eager to actually wake up and perform my duty. I would have a established time to work, which would make plenty of sense when you look at my daily agenda... The whole thing is a perfect fit that relates to my reality of caregiver, mother, and professional. This is it. After this there is no turning back. This is the mid-life career change that will bookmark the time and place where things change even more. My big girl reached my psyche and brought me peace: You must do what makes you happy... period. She teaches that lesson to everyone around her, everyday. It is the only way to actually target living life to the fullest and without regrets. The big bucks may not be there... but real happiness comes from within. We already have what we need. Everything else is a plus. Above all... happiness is priceless.

I am to persue my happiness and forget the big buck dream. I can't do that at the expense of not knowing my kids and pushing family aside... If I were to persue that, then I have not learned my lesson at all!

And so the new era begins... I will do a Summer bootcamp to comply with some requisites to enter the graduate school. In Fall, I should go ahead and get in depth into the graduate program. Graduate... sounds more like it. And maybe after that I could get into my ultimate doctorate dreams about distance learning. Baby steps... for now.


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