Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The class went really fast, days flew by and finally it is over. Got a perfect score, so efforts paid off. Very happy and proud of that. Now, we have a 2 week recess, I guess that is mainly due to the 4th of July. Good enough. These last days some things have popped up that demands attention and may actually turn our lives around, for better or worst.

Exploration about Studies
Well, I am in the exploring "what I want to really do for the rest of my life" moment. There are three things that has called my attention, and that I know are in demand and will lead to good jobs. Some faster than the others, but they are real options:
-Rehabilitation Counseling: The RSA is tempting, but would cover from the second year if I get it. And in exchange of paying for my studies I have to work at Vocational Rehabilitation for 5 years. It is a study-to-certain-hire thing. I can complete this program at UMDNJ, but the location of the college branch is a bit far and I have no transportation. And this will take 2 to 3 years to complete. It is a Master's degree, and seems promising... Not thrilled about the distance, though... 2 hours using public transport is something to think about...

-Special Ed. Teacher, focused in Adaptive Technologies: Here I have a few options. I could go Alternate Way, but will need to complete Praxis I and II, submit to get a CE, and then look for a school so I teach under the Alternate program for a year. During this I can take the courses to get at the end of the year the License to teach... Everything is high priced, though. And after getting the teaching certificate, then I can apply to get a Masters in Special Ed. So it all would take me 3 years to complete... I found the West Governor's Online University has a BS in Special Ed, which I think I could complete fairly fast. At the end you take the exams for CE and teaching license. Seems interesting... Also, the Rutgers University at Newark has a Urban Teaching degree that also seems very good... Two years, attending on site.After that then I could take the Special Ed courses/certifications...

-Media Design and Animation: Basically, 2D-3D creations using Maya and the like... At the Art Institute Online. So I do Motion design for corporate or for games or anything that you can think of. Can be applied to Web design, or stands on its own. This is 3 years, taking one class per month so I really learn everything.

The more I read about everything else, I am more into doing the third one... But in order for that to happen I must be certain I am working somehow. If I am working, then I would go for it. The Special Ed. also seems promising, so these two are the main pulls rigt now. I am interested on 3d as well as adaptive technologies...

Explorations about work
Right now I got into an "experiment" as freelance designer. Very recent, as of 1 day ago. I'm gonna give this a big try as this is exactly the reason I wanted to do my web design diploma, this is the job that I need right now so I can stay at home and supervise nurses while actually being able to work. I hope that I get how to use the channels and how to be efficient and fast. Main trial is for the next 2 weeks. After that I will have to go low impact for a month as I'll have my 2 classes together... And then I will be able to go full blown into it. That is the plan so far.

I know that doing web design and graphic art is something that makes me happy. I love the creativity that it all involves, and it uses all my abilities. If it is really worth it, then this is it. I would just keep myself focused in this, and actually move forward with studing to be a Motion design artist (my BIG dream).

So, even if I have 2 free weeks, they are not really free. They are actually filled up with work. I need to, so i am certain of what I want later on. This will tell me if I should go for Special Ed or not.

Explorations about Adoption or Foster Parenting
Some may think I'm crazy, but I think it is all a sane choice that is moved by a big desire to help fix some injustices in the world... a little bit at a time. I'm looking at special needs kids that are without family. I have the knowledge, and the skills, to deal with it... And guide them so they can become more than society expect from them. As a mom to a special needs toddler, I know where it all leads, the amount of job it requires, and the satisfaction of actually having done something. My toddler has a life threatening illness, which she battles every second. She has given my husband and me many lessons about life, in just two years. We are confident we can help other kids that families would not consider even if looking for fostering or adopting. We are looking at kids 11-15 years old, the "dreaded" teens... And one special case that is a 7 year old with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). We will submit the application and try completing the program so we get the state license for "professional parenting", and from there ww will see who could stay with us at first... Our goal is to eventually adopt 3-4 kids, but not at all a time.

Explorations about housing
We are thinking that perhaps it could be possible to get a house in foreclosure that actually has 6 rooms. We have been in touch with some people that have done so, and the slight changes in the house can be done while you are living in it. So it is something to explore. I know that a monthly payment would definitively be lower than our rent! It seems much worth it! And then it would be feasible to make the house handicap friendly, for my girl, and for others we may take in. So thsi is something we are contemplating and actually looking forward to.

Many ideas, many plans, all coming at the same time. All are important. I hope that for one I make the right choices. I feel we have entered a string of good luck somehow. God is putting everything in place, we just have to follow-through with his plans.


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