Friday, August 21, 2009

AS3, Web Design II (more PHP) and then some...

ABOUT CURRENT COURSES: Decided to take an extra course so I will graduate in December. That's the sad part (which is not so sad). The plus side is I can keep having just one class per month. So... just the WebDesign2, Portfolio and Photoshop classes, and it all will be over. Yay!

On Wednesday finished the Flash AS3 class... Amen. That was real labor, and kept me literally up all night almost everyday. I feel so drained and tired... but at least I know I gave it more than all i had, and although the class really got on my nerves (and everyone elses's) at least it is over... And now I have the basics for my illustration and web design website, coming soon.

Started on Thursday the Wed Design II class... more PHP. I hope this goes on a bit less stressful, so far I only know one student. everyone else seems to be from other groups, perhaps actually from the web design bachelor degree (haven't met any of them before). Let's see if there's no drama. I'm tired of drama...

ABOUT FUTURE SCHOOL CHOICES: I am stuck between doing the Spec.Ed teaching degree through the West Governors University, doing the Animation & Multimedia degree, or find a PhD and just go for that one. Choices, choices... I guess I'll decide in January. Right now I know I am tired and I need a break, so when this is over I will take a month or two off.

ABOUT WORK: Well... By now everything is a what if. Opportunity, please knock! We need you! With no job, we cannot move... and this place is getting scary. Yesterday there was a shooting that lefty me shaking. We don't feel safe. We need to find a better place, where I can have my kitties, and with enough space for us and maybe for one more. Let's see what unfolds...

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