Wednesday, September 30, 2009

DB2 course finished, only 2 more to go!

It is at least a big breather that the Database2 course went on really fast and ended up in a positive way. Another high A under my belt, and not as stressful as the Flash2 course was. Now, I am only two courses away from completing the WebDesign Diploma: Digital Imaging and Portfolio. I don't expect much fuss on the DI, and I shall complete the serious portfolio site on the second... for which I have a sound idea of what I want and what it should include. I am VERY happy with the name I came up for my freelance business, and hopefully it will be the ticket to bigger things.

FUTURE: Study-wise... I know that animation has been a life-long dream, and although I was ready to give it up to more realistic or practical goals, one little site renew the spark of where I wanted to go with my talent. This made me decide once more that your chosen job should be also your true love: From Marvel's motion comics, the Spider Woman trailer:

So, after drooling over this and after watching the first chapter I recalled where my roots come from (comic books being my first love for so many years). It was thanks to comic books that I drew so many sketches, created so many unfinished stories... and based my imagination fly through science fiction and fantasy realms. I felt I was too old to try going back to this... but this is what makes my blood run faster. Love is love, however insane and unnatainable it may be. So... If I am to go back to study (again), it should do with animation, motion graphics as it is also called. I am so glad I stumbled by chance into Spider Woman! Of all things, I needed to remember!

WORK: Looking for computer-related artsy release, web design or graphic design. I may settle for network support if it is necessary, but I am actively looking to fulfill one of the slots of what I should be doing. Sooner or later the perfect fit will arrive. I hope I can achieve a nice part-time or full-time, and work freelance on the side to meet end needs.

FAMILY: We cannot go back to our homeland, but we need to move. First things first... After job security we will then move and it seems it will be north. I dislike the weather, but right now cannot leave our family situation to chance. Changes in health insurance and in many other areas force us to stay where there is more likely more support for our baby girl. Us parents must just be strong and be keen in our choices. The most important goal: Being together, being near for any emergency, and being positive that a cure or certain treatment will come up very soon.

So, all in all, there is a very positive air lurking in our household. Dreams are being revamped and reinforced, and little by little we are getting near the top of the mountain. Step by step...
